On the Arduino Day - Sparkfun was giving the arduino boards at throwaway prices.I saw some of them and wanted to give a try.I chose the Arduino Pro mini with Atmega 328 - 5V -16MHz and placed an order.
My bad luck it was out of stock.But they were allowing orders to be placed and they will honor all the orders.The arduino pro were @ $3 each and $2.75 as handling charger.
My order was shipped on 2 May and got it today 15 May - not bad for a post.When I opened the parcel , i was shocked by the size of the arduino mini so small, so powerful, so cute!
My bad luck it was out of stock.But they were allowing orders to be placed and they will honor all the orders.The arduino pro were @ $3 each and $2.75 as handling charger.
My order was shipped on 2 May and got it today 15 May - not bad for a post.When I opened the parcel , i was shocked by the size of the arduino mini so small, so powerful, so cute!
The packaging - super
Inside the box - two small PCBs
The arduino pro mini
Whats my plan with these ? maybe a multiwii , i already have a MPU6050 (accelerometer + Gyroscope ) board , connect it with arduino and upload the multiwii sketch - thats it board ready!
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